Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tax Season

Wow, this has been a very fast tax season. I still have a ton of work to do and only two weeks to finish. Hopefully, when it is over I will have more time to document some of my thoughts.

I am finding that the peace that I have in Jesus Christ has made so many other areas in my life easier. Who would have thought that a benefit of changing churches and getting out of the United Pentecostal Church would have such a huge impact on my life outside of church? While in my former church I knew that many things didn't line up with the Bible. There was always this pressure to try to defend or explain certain beliefs that I didn't believe in the first place. I thank God every single day that he provided a way for me and my family to leave.

If any of you are curious about the UPC and it's beliefs you can visit some websites that deal with the culture and beliefs of the UPC. If you are a member of a UPC church or another performance based religion and feel you need some help, please don't give up on God or your faith in Jesus Christ.

  • This site deals with some of the spiritual abuse that happens within many churches.
  • Apostolic Friends Forum is a really cool place where you can learn more about folks from the UPC and there are a lot of ex-UPC folks there.
If you need any help while in the UPC or are looking for answers in you walk with God you can contact me through the comments section of the site.

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